Linda Ross, our Manager, is continually exceeding the bar for professional pet sitters by continuing to educate herself in animal behavior and shelter management. Her passion lies in helping aggressive and shy dogs live a more normal and stress-free life. With this education, she can provide an extra level of expertise to clients, staff, and our local rescues and shelters.
Linda is 1 of the first 20 of Dr. Marty Becker’s Fear Free® Certified Professionals in Georgia and 1 of the first 50 Fear Free® Elite Professionals in the world. Pickens County is lucky to call her the first and only Fear Free® Professional in the county! She has also completed Dr. Sophia Yin’s course at the Low Stress Handling® University and is Low Stress Handling® Silver Certified.
Individual memberships in the organizations below help Linda continue her education as well as network with other professionals who adhere to the No Pain – No Force – No Fear belief in Least Invasive and Minimally Intrusive (LIMA) techniques for working with animals.