
Professional Memberships Offer Training and Networking Opportunities


                                                                                                                           Choices Pet Sitters
(Office): (678) 809-3647                                                                            Pet sitters love Retrievers                                               (Mobile): (678) 253-7387                              

The pet sitting and dog training industries are still relatively young industries. There are currently no regulations to differentiate a hobbyist from a professional pet sitter or dog trainer and without certifications, there is no way to tell what the individual or company stand is on the use of force in the course of their services. The pet’s human companion has to do the work of vetting the person they are hiring not only to care for their pets but also to interact with them.
One way to distinguish a hobby pet sitter from a professional is the extent to which they go to educate themselves. Professional memberships in industry-specific organizations (whether the company as a whole joins as a member or individual pet care professionals have chosen to join on their own individually) show that there is an intent and commitment to keeping up with the latest scientific research on how to best work with animals. Continuing education credits mean that the professional is looking to the future. They are working with an intent to treat their services as a professional would and not treat your request for services as a hobby or one-time “gig,” It gives the consumer some idea of the commitment the provider has in actually showing up to provide the service and perhaps even the long term goals of the individual in staying in the industry. 
As a company, we believe that joining industry organizations that align with our beliefs in caring for animals make our company stronger in our commitment to least invasive and minimally intrusive force-free care. Furthermore, these groups help us grow by sharing the most current and best practices in the industry in the training they offer to their members. We are proud to share what we know with our clients and through our work.

Company Memberships

Pet Sitters International Logo







Professional United Pet Sitters logo


petsit usa logo


Manager’s Individual Memberships

Linda Ross, our Manager, is continually exceeding the bar for professional pet sitters by continuing to educate herself in animal behavior and shelter management. Her passion lies in helping aggressive and shy dogs live a more normal and stress-free life. With this education, she can provide an extra level of expertise to clients, staff, and our local rescues and shelters.  

Linda is 1 of the first 20 of Dr. Marty Becker’s Fear Free® Certified Professionals in Georgia and 1 of the first 50 Fear Free® Elite Professionals in the world. Pickens County is lucky to call her the first and only Fear Free® Professional in the county! She has also completed Dr. Sophia Yin’s course at the Low Stress Handling® University and is Low Stress Handling® Silver Certified.

Individual memberships in the organizations below help Linda continue her education as well as network with other professionals who adhere to the No Pain – No Force – No Fear belief in Least Invasive and Minimally Intrusive (LIMA) techniques for working with animals.


IAABC Supporting Member

Pet Professional Guild - Pet Parent Membership



       doggone safe logo  

   APDT Logo

ICAN Member Logo
      Supporting Member